Home Lifestyle Put the Earned Income Tax Credit to Work for You

Put the Earned Income Tax Credit to Work for You


IRS VolunteersMONTGOMERY, Ala. – Did you know you could be eligible to get more money back from the IRS – as much as $6,044?
If you earned less than $51,567 from wages, self-employment, or farming last year, you may be eligible for the Earned Income Tax Credit  – or EITC. You may be eligible for more if your state also offers EITC.
EITC can be a benefit for working people like you, your family and community. You may be among the millions who will qualify for the first time because of a change in your financial, marital or parental status in 2013.
“EITC eligibility is based on several factors, including the amount of earned and other types of income, or combined income if married and whether you have one or more qualifying children,” said Maceo Kirkland, Tax Attorney with Legal Services Alabama. He added, “Workers without children may also qualify.”
You must file and claim the credit to get it. To find out if you are qualified to receive Earned Income Tax Credit, use the online EITC Assistant to estimate the amount of credit you are entitled to claim.
Get free help preparing your EITC tax return. The IRS offers several free options to claim EITC, such as FreeFile and Volunteer Income Tax Assistance. FreeFile allows you to prepare and e-file your own tax return. Free help preparing EITC tax returns is also available at many volunteer income tax assistance sites. Locate a volunteer site near you on IRS.GOV and selecting the VITA Locator tool or call the IRS at 1-800-906-9887.
Kirkland said, “You worked and earned it. Now put The Earned Income Tax Credit to work for you.” Visit www.irs.gov/eitc to learn more about EITC.
Legal Services Alabama is a nonprofit organization providing free civil legal assistance to low-income individuals. Individuals may apply for services on-line at www.AlabamaLegalHelp.org or call toll-free 866-456-4995. Legal Services Alabama receives funding from the Legal Services Corporation and the Internal Revenue Service for a Low Income Taxpayer Clinic. Although the clinic receives funding from the IRS, the clinic, its employees, and volunteers are not affiliated with the IRS, and a taxpayer’s decision to utilize services from an LITC will not affect the taxpayer’s rights before the IRS.


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