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With a Grateful Heart


Electra Adamsby Electra Adams

There is a song in the heart of the believers that resonates worship and thanksgiving:  “Give thanks with a grateful heart, Give thanks to the Holy One, Give thanks because He’s given Jesus Christ His Son! And Now, let the weak say I am strong, Let the poor say I am rich because of what the Lord has done, Give thanks!”
The church is defined as a gathering, the Body of Christ, Believers, the Saints, Christians, and the Bride of Christ. When we relate each one by definition, “the Bride of Christ” takes it to another level. Christ is the Groom as it relates to the church being the Bride. The connotation here reflects a natural marriage. My thought for today is: Does God ever satisfy His wife? The natural marriage in the twenty-first century deals with enormous issues of dissatisfaction! Nothing that the husband does satisfies the wife and nothing that the wife does satisfies the husband. God gives us a great home; satisfies our mouth with good food; we drive a Mercedes, Bentley or Lamborghini; we have  great jobs! Yet, we are not content, and struggle within for true unconditional thanksgiving.
We bless Him from a platform of things, gifts, or carnal heart’s desires. III John 2…Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers. According to the will of God, prosperity is as a two faced coin, such that it is designed to render you complete and whole. Most often the soulish realm is forced into dieting or starving. It is impossible to give thanks with a grateful heart unto God without a wealthy soul. The soul is where actions are determined, reasoning is made and where knowledge and your will live. At some point, through knowledge of who God is, we must will to be thankful beyond things.
In 2014 as we gather at the table, let us allow our minds to reflect only Him.
Have a happy Thanksgiving! Electra Adams & Family. electra.gethsemaneministries@yahoo.com PO Box 39004 B’ham, AL 35208.


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