Home Local Birmingham City Council Highlights

Birmingham City Council Highlights


birmingham-skyline-1024x678During the Birmingham City Council meeting on December 9, 2014 Council:

Approved a Resolution relative to the application of Reginald E. Towns and Norman B. Williams for a Lounge Retail Liquor Class I License to be used at Paradise on the Parkway Bar and Grill, 9500 Parkway East, Birmingham, and the hearing of all interested parties. For more information please contact the Office of Councilor Steven Hoyt at 205.254.2304.

Other items approved by the Council at today’s meeting include the following:

1. Approved an Ordinance authorizing the issuance and sale of Tax Increment Financing District I Revenue Warrant, Series 2014, and the execution and delivery of related financing documents. [First Reading] For more information please contact the Office of the Mayor at 205.254.2771.

2. Approved a Resolution approving the agreements with PMWeb, Inc., Wakefield, Massachusetts, in an amount not to exceed $135,650.00, to provide specialized software to manage and track construction projects for the Planning, Engineering, & Permits Department , this being the only source of supply and authorizing the Mayor to execute the agreements on behalf of the City. [Appropriated for in FY2014-2015 Budget; G/L Account: 001_037_99999.600-011] For more information please contact the Office of the Mayor at 205.254.2771.

3. Approved a Resolution determining that the D2 Line Dancing Class to be held December 18, 2014 at the Fountain Heights Recreation Center, serves a public purpose that promotes goodwill and serves a public interest, and requesting that City funds be administered to pay for this event in accordance with Section 3-1-7 of the General Code of the City of Birmingham. For more information please contact the Office of Council President Johnathan Austin at 205.254.2679.

4. Approved a Resolution approving payment to Birmingham Realty Company, Inc. dba The Barber Companies, Inc., Birmingham, in the amount of $35,855.46, for lease payment of storage building located at 2817 3rd  Avenue South, Birmingham, AL, for storage of art and non-art items, for a six (6) month term, January 2015 through June 2015 ($5,975.91/month) for the Birmingham Museum of Art, this being the only source of supply. [Appropriated for in FY2014-2015 Budget; G/L Account: 001_080_03535.534-008] For more information please contact the Office of the Mayor at 205.254.2771.

Announcements and Reminders

1. The Planning and Zoning Committee Meeting will be held Tuesday December 9, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. in the 5th Floor Engineering Conference Room.

2. The Public Improvement Committee Meeting scheduled for Wednesday December 10, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. in Conference Rooms D&E is CANCELLED.

3. Councilor William Parker will host the Annual District 4 Holiday Festival will be held Thursday December 11, 2014 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at Shields Conference Center, 3969 14th  Avenue North.

4. Councilor Kim Rafferty along with Fresh Air Family is excited to announce the fourth annual Wacky Tacky Christmas Light Tour, scheduled for Tuesday December 16, 2014 at 5:30 p.m. at the Avondale Brewing Company. Proceeds will go to scholarships for students in our award-winning science camp, Gross Out Camp.

5. There will be a Special Called Committee of the Whole Meeting on Wednesday December 17, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers.

6. There are two vacancies on the City of Birmingham Zoning Board of Adjustments. For more information please contact the Office of Council President Pro Tempore Jay Roberson at 205.254.2418.

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