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To Walk a Mile in His Shoes


Just as men often wonder how women take care of home and family, have a thriving career, can be the classroom mom, create amazing birthday parties, and more, we too have no idea what it is like to be a man. The expectations from the Word to be a man after God’s own heart while living in a self-serving society. The expectation from the world to look like you have it all together when your next step is one of faith. Then there is the expectation from the church for you to attend every event, mentor young boys, be a deacon, security, and the armor bearer when needed because of the disparaging number of males serving in ministry. Today, we honor you! Not only because of Father’s Day, but because you deserve it.

One Father’s Day, I wrote this poem to my dad. Today, I share it with you as a salute to the men we love so dearly.


To walk a mile in his shoes,

We don’t know how it would be.

The expectations of being the head,

While the world waits to see.


Providing for home and others,

Is a weight that is hard to grasp.

Never letting us down while lifting us up,

Oh my, what a task!


The “thanks” are heard and appreciated,

But that doesn’t alleviate your stress.

To be the man God has called you to be,

Each day, we see you press…


Toward the mark of the prize of the high calling,

In Christ Jesus, you will succeed.

You are great, great beyond measure,

Your praises, we publicly sing.


We don’t know how you do it.

Your shoes are too big to fill.

Yet, today we want to say, “Thank you.”

Still your greatest has yet to be revealed.


Mother Teresa once said, “Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.” Share these words with every man you know. And may the Father’s Day celebrations last beyond one day.

I hope you had a Happy Father’s Day!

For more about Tijuana J. Williams, visit www.sharingmyheartblog.com.


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