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We need to respect life, all lives, and seek God





By Sandra Little Brown

I would like to express my heartfelt sympathy as well as condolences to the families of those killed and injured in the recent shootings which occurred in Louisiana, Texas and Minnesota.

I also wish a speedy recovery to those who were injured. And to all the rest of us this is not the time to be pointing fingers nor seeking revenge but rather we should be seeking God. We all should step back, take a deep breath, and refresh. It is not the time to escalate, but to de-escalate. We all need to respect life, all lives.

To the families of the deceased, my heart goes out to you. May God give you the strength to sustain yourselves. In so doing, please remind your kids to be prepared that one day they may find themselves stopped by a law enforcement officer. Listen to the officer and comply with his or her request. Make sure the officer knows if you are reaching for ID and auto documentation to avoid the perception that you are reaching for anything other than your ID.

Always strive to keep your hands where they can be seen. This should make your experience less confrontational. When visibility is bad, turn on your inside lights so that the officer can clearly see what you are doing inside of your vehicle.

To the families of the police officers who were assaulted and killed, my heart equally goes out to you for giving the ultimate sacrifice as your love one has. And to those injured, I also wish you a speedy recovery. I personally thank each of you for going out daily putting your life on the line to protect and serve me and others. I thank your family for sharing in the danger of possibly losing their love one or having to cope with you getting injured in the course of your work.

To everyone else, though we as a society have been relegated to this divisive position in life, black vs white, Democrat vs Republican, straight vs LGBT, and on and on, I submit to you that we are all more alike than we are different, but since we all can’t seem to talk it out, let’s try talking to God to seek an answer.


Sandra Little Brown is president Pro Tempore of the Jefferson County (AL) Commission. Birmingham Voices is a forum to provide commentary and opinions.


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