Home Local Entertainment ‘The Outside Child:’ Essence bestseller Tiffany Warren releases new book

‘The Outside Child:’ Essence bestseller Tiffany Warren releases new book

By Chandra Sparks Splond
Special to The Birmingham Times

A strange thing happens when an author is writing a book. Sometimes the story evolves in ways the writer never imagined. Such is the case for Essence bestselling author Tiffany L. Warren and her latest book, The Outside Child.

“The Outside Child legitimately started off as me writing something for fans of romance,” Warren said. “An independent girl who doesn’t trust men meets the ultimate gentleman who’s an

Bestselling author Tiffany Warren has released a new book, “The Outside Child.” (Provided Photo)

NFL player with tons of groupies. How could the girl trust this boy with her heart?”

Warren decided to write the book, which released on August 28, although it is a little different than her other inspirational novels.

“I’ve slowly been tearing down the box of inspirational fiction with my writing because I want to tell other stories,” she said. “Sometimes people don’t have an altar-call experience. Sometimes they don’t have faith to fall back on… There is growth and learning in these stories too.”

Warren saw the characters growing the deeper she got into the story.

“…as the story unfolded and the characters spoke on the page, they wanted to say more. This is really a journey with Chenille and Brayden. From romance to real life and then exploring how much love really can conquer.”

Warren wants readers to learn from the growth and evolution in her own life too.

“I think we’re all evolving and growing—constantly. If we’re not having new aha moments all the time, then there is something wrong. I am a risk taker, and am not afraid of the unknown. If anything, I’d want people to learn that part. Even if you have fear of failure, do it anyway. Do it afraid.”

Readers won’t have to wait long for more new stories by Warren.

“I’m actually working on some sci-fi and a fun women’s fiction title for Kensington in 2019 about three middle-aged friends who throw all of their dating rules in the trash. I’ve also got a little fall or winter treat in store for my e-book readers.”

The e-book and her other new releases are Warren’s way of showing her appreciation to readers.

“I just want to thank all of my readers who tell others about my books, invite me to their events, etc. I don’t know any black author that doesn’t cherish the readers who love us. And we need you still.”

Chandra Sparks Splond is an editor, speaker and award-winning author and blogger. For more information about her and her books, visit www.chandrasparkssplond.com.