By Nathan Turner Jr.
For The Birmingham Times

A group of Birmingham area professionals gathered Saturday at the downtown Central Library to announce the launch of a male mentoring program that will begin in September.
The “Real Men Talk” afterschool male mentoring program is billed as forum for male professionals, youth organizations and church groups that will partner with the library to enhance the future of the next generation.
“There is a void in the lives of youth who lack male figures,” said James Sullivan, president of the Birmingham Public Library board of trustees. “They [young people] would like to know that people care and show them the right path so that they can walk with joy.”
The kickoff included Jeh Jeh Pruitt, co-founder of the Dannon Project, which helps

unemployed and under-employed at-risk youth.
In addition to Pruitt, who is also a reporter and sports anchor with Birmingham’s Fox 6-TV news, the program included James Sutton of the Dannon Project; Richard Cade of the Man Project; Lashunda Scales, Jefferson County Commission, District 1; Gavin Billups, executive director of the Mayor’s Office Division of Youth Services; Clinton P. Woods, Birmingham City Councilor, District 1 and Jacques Austin, executive director of Brother Let’s Talk.
The mentors in the program will also help youths with issues such as communication skills, how to replace gang influence with positive input, treating adults and seniors with respect, grooming tips, how to dress for a job interview, succeeding in school and overcoming shyness.
For more information contact Roy Williams at 205-226-3746 or email rlwilliams@bham.lib.al.us