By Keisa Sharpe
Alabama Newscenter

The Birmingham chapter of the American Association of Blacks in Energy (AABE) recently awarded five students scholarships to further their studies.
The mission of the organization is to provide energy professionals, executives, entrepreneurs and students a pathway to learn more about the energy industry through education, mentoring, community service and business networking.
Phillip Coffey, Market Specialist for Alabama Power, helped organize the annual scholarship luncheon. He says the organization gives greater exposure and representation of the energy industry to students and professionals.
“I look forward to this event because it embodies one of the key values of the American Association of Blacks in Energy, and that is supporting students in our city through scholarship funding,” said Coffey.

Juian Grant, Alabama Power employee and a graduate of Alabama A & M University‘s Civil Engineering program, shared inspiring and humorous words with the audience of scholarship recipients and their parents. Grant even led the audience in an exercise to “cover” the students by stretching forth their hands and speaking positive affirmations to students.
The chapter awarded $10,000 in scholarship funds – Iva B. Williams Endowment Scholarships – to five students:
- Grant Sims: $5,000.
- Alexander Washington: $2,500.
- Adetola Koiki: $1,500.
- Micah Pruitt: $500.
- Amira Gilford: $500.
The Birmingham chapter of AABE is made up of employees from Alabama Power, Southern Power, Southern Nuclear Company and Southern Company Services, Southern Natural Gas and Spire.