Home Word on The Street Word on The Street

Word on The Street

Compiled by Erica Wright

We asked Birmingham-area residents, What is your favorite Christmas memory?

Wesley Teague: “One year, my family and I were snowed in for Christmas so we had Christmas dinner at Denny’s because it was the only place open for 24 hours so I had a nice ham sandwich which was pretty memorable. Another year, when I was a teenager, I begged my parents for a car and under the tree, I got a toy car instead of an actual car but then a month later, I got a real car. Both the toy car and real car were a 1994 Jeep Cherokee and I wish I still had it today.”

Stephanie Waseka: “Being around my family. It’s never really about the presents for us, it’s about the love and joy of being around each other. I’m from Kenya and the family I do have here shows a lot of love and support and that love is very touching around the holidays when we celebrate Christmas and the birth of Jesus… I just love being around my family, anytime with them is just a good memory for me.”

Meredith Hull: “My favorite Christmas memory is one year on Christmas Eve. There is a computer app you can probably go to that tracks Santa Claus and when I was about 8 or 9, my aunt tracked Santa and would tell us where he was and the next morning, I woke up to the Barbie Dream House I wanted. It was taller than I was, it was probably like 4 feet tall.”

Regan Nosser: “One year, I got the new Playstation 3 and I got my first truck. I was 16 and I was so excited. We all had family dinner and ate around the table and it was just a good Christmas that year. I got a 2000 Silverado that year and I don’t have it any more but my dad surprised me with this huge sound system in my truck when he gave it to me.”