Home ♃ Recent Stories ☄ Birmingham Chapter of the Links, Inc. Spreads Love Through the Arts 

Birmingham Chapter of the Links, Inc. Spreads Love Through the Arts 

From left: Sophia Baldwin, ArtLinks Committee Chair; Adriana Barfield, Assistant Activities Coordinator and Gaynell Hendricks, Birmingham Chapter Links, Inc. (PROVIDED PHOTO)z
Special to the Times 

The Birmingham Chapter of the Links, Incorporated’s ArtLinks Committee kicked off its “Art is Love” series with the intent of spreading love through the arts with socially distant pop ups. The first pop-up was at the Arlington Rehabilitation & Healthcare Center in southwest Birmingham. The Links committee met and dropped off over 100 “Huggables” to patients with the help of the center’s Assistant Activities Coordinator Adriana Barfield. Art is not only love but an expression of love that can also aide positive mental health and healing. The Links will be coordinating three more pop ups and opportunities to provide love and art to the community along with its Health and Human Services, and Services to Youth Committees.