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Miles College Bridging Digital Divide with Help from Apple


Miles College is launching its “Mobile Life” Student Success initiative to create a more innovative co-curricular learning and teaching environment for its students and faculty.

As a part of that initiative, the College will provide all full-time students enrolled during the Spring 2022 academic semester with iPad Pro, Apple Magic Keyboard, Apple Pencil, and AirPods Pro at the beginning of the Spring 2022 academic semester.

By equipping students and full-time faculty with iPad Pro and accessories, the institution plans to bridge the digital divide and level technological advantages by enabling professors to collaborate with students in various innovative ways to improve the overall learning experience. Enhanced opportunities for students to connect, communicate, and drive learning deeper through the abilities gained from a common platform will enable them to navigate the university experience and interact with their peers and professors and provide a cutting-edge learning experience.

“Utilizing iPad Pro in the classroom will be a new concept for many of the College’s instructors and students, improving the ability to be more creative and versatile, and enabling them to have more impactful student-instructor collaboration opportunities,” said Miles College President, Bobbie Knight. “We are hopeful that this investment in our students will position them for a better future and a sustainable learning experience.”

Professional learning activities will be provided to faculty and students. Apple is assisting in delivery and deployment services. Miles College is also a part of the HBCU C2 initiative through Apple’s Community Education Initiative, designed to enhance coding, creativity, and workforce opportunities amongst all learners at Historically Black Colleges and Universities.

Miles College will launch the initiative at the beginning of the Spring 2022 semester. Details on the technology distribution will be announced at a later date.

“The Mobile Life initiative is the first step in actualizing the college’s digital transformation strategy that focuses on building an accessible learning environment for all of our students,” said Michael Johnson, Miles College Chief Innovation Officer. “We’re focused on creating an intentional learning environment by using iPad Pro, Apple Magic Keyboard, Apple Pencil and AirPods Pro to create an experience that students can access anywhere and anytime.”