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Water for Life!


wwbStudents in the BWWB’s school program display the essentials of water

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. – “Water for Life!” is this year’s theme for the Birmingham Water Works Board’s (BWWB’s) Learning the Wonderful Works of Water Poster
Contest. The BWWB’s general manager, assistant general managers, and board members, along with others will participate in the judging of posters, which will take place in the utility’s
Distribution Building Friday, April 11th.
“We are really looking forward to judging this year, especially since we have noticed how unique and creative some of the students’ illustrations have been,” said BWWB Communications
Spokesperson Binnie Myles, “Last year, Board Director Sherry Lewis noted how bright students are and challenged us to become more interactive. In doing so we met with some of our school
systems that happily accepted the endeavor, and will be working with us towards involving 3rd grade students in the program.”
Elementary students from schools throughout the company’s service area submitted posters highlighting the uses of water in health and the human body. Students were asked to send in
original and creative artwork when illustrating their ideas. The award ceremony for the competition will be held at the Birmingham Crossplex Friday, April 25th  just before the
BWWB’s celebration of National Drinking Water Week, which spotlights the essentials of water the first full week in May. Usually the award ceremony is held in conjunction with NDWW,
however due to testing, students will be able to celebrate a little earlier.
Annually, Myles visits schools participating in the program to inform students of the Learning the Wonderful Works of Water’s curriculum guide, which educates 5th grade students over water
and its various processes. Students were able to download the 10-chapter guide via the BWWB’s website in efforts of gaining ideas for displaying the theme “Water for Life!”
Past winners from W.J. Christian Elementary, Huffman Academy, and Glen Oaks Elementary did an excellent job in displaying the theme “How Well Do You Know Your H2O?” This year,
winners of the contest will receive prizes such as an iPad Air, iPad Mini, and iPod Touch, as well as a t-shirt of the winning poster to wear throughout NDWW.
The school-based Learning the Wonderful Works of Water program targets science classes and involves educational and fun activities, which include water-related science experiments, the
history of the BWWB, and field trip opportunities for students to learn more about the processes of water treatment.
Founded in 1951, the Birmingham Water Works Board serves 600,000 people in Jefferson, Shelby, Blount, St. Clair, and Walker counties. The BWWB operates four filtration plants, a
certified testing laboratory, and has more than 4,000 miles of pipe in its distribution network; it also ranks among the top five water systems in the United States.
For more information about your Birmingham Water Works Board, please call 205-244-4000 or visit www.bwwb.org.


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