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Alabama A&M University Choir


AAMUChoirDirector Dr. Horace R. Carney

Although Dr. Horace R. Carney has directed the internationally known Alabama A&M University Choir since January 2003, his affiliation with the 130-year-old institution dates back to 1990. Since that time, Dr. Carney has served as Chairman of the Department of Music Education; Program Coordinator/Lead; and Interim Chair of the Department of Fine Arts.
A music graduate of Fisk University in Nashville, Tenn., Dr. Carney also earned the M.A. degree in music theory from Eastman School of Music at the University of Rochester (N.Y.) and the Ph.D. degree in music theory from the University of Iowa in 1981.
In 2002, Carney organized the Alabama A&M University Vocal-Jazz Ensemble in addition to his role as a music educator and administrator. He served as Minister of Music and Coordinator of Cultural Affairs for Sixth Avenue Baptist Church in Birmingham, Ala., from 1986-90. Dr. Carney served from 1983-86 as Chairman, Associate Professor of Music, and Chair of the Humanities Division at Lincoln University in Pennsylvania.
He is a member of the National Association and Society for the Performance of Afro-American Music, American Choral Directors Association, Alabama Teachers of Music Theory, National Association of Negro Musicians, the Society of Music Theory and numerous other associations and organizations.
Carney is the founder and artistic director for Horace R. Carney Jr. Chorale and serves as Minister of Music at Bethel Baptist Church in Birmingham, Ala.


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