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Libraries are Happening Places! Join Us at Central and See


Libraries are Happening Places! Join Us at Central and See
Young Professionals group hosts special tour and new member recruitment event

BIRMINGHAM, Ala.—Libraries across the United States and around the globe are attracting young professionals with a commitment to make the world a better place. The Birmingham Public Library Young Professionals (BPLYPs) share this outlook. Group members understand that libraries change lives and that through our public libraries in Birmingham, citizens have access to quality information, technology, training and a wealth of other resources.
Join the BPLYPs for a Special Collections Tour of the Linn-Henley Research Library on Tuesday, May 19. Refreshments will be served, along with a brief overview on the organization, from 5:30 until 6 p.m. in the Richard Arrington, Jr. Auditorium. The guided tour gets underway from 6 p.m. until 7 p.m. Attendees must register by email to bcsmith@bham.lib.al.us or by calling (205) 591-4944. Guests can use the Linn-Henley Park entrance to access the building—parking is available on the street at no cost.
The Young Professionals are Birmingham Public Library’s newest support group comprised of accomplished business leaders between the ages of 25-40 who live and work in the metro area. Organized in 2012, the mission of the BPLYPs is to support library programs through fundraising events, as well as to promote the library through cultural programs and service projects.
Connecting with such groups is an increasingly popular way for an individual to broaden skills and experience in the business world while supporting a worthy organization. Young Professionals participate in volunteer service opportunities, leadership training, social networking, and help to sustain organizations with modest annual financial contributions.
Interested in supporting the library as a BPLYP member? There are still a few seats left on the Birmingham Public Library Young Professionals Board. Interested young professionals between the ages of 25-40 can go to http://www.bplonline.org/yp/ for more information or to fill out an application.


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