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City Council Highlights


During the Birmingham City Council Meeting for July 28, 2015 Council:

A public show cause hearing to consider revoking the business license(s) issued to Atlantis Entertainment Group, LLC, d.b.a. Atlantis Center,
4016 Avenue I, Birmingham, AL 35218, and to consider rescinding Resolution No. 226-12 for a Special Retail Liquor License, approved on
February 21, 2012 and Resolution No. 227-12, for a Division I Dance Permit, approved on February 21, 2012.

Cliff Notes
Was this item approved? Approved unanimously
What does this mean? Businesses that provide entertainment are required to provide a safe environment for citizens in accordance with
the City of Birmingham Special Retail and Dance Permits Ordinances. When businesses fail to comply with the regulations of the ordinances,
the Public Safety Committee often takes measures to ensure compliance by warning regulations and eventually revoking business licenses.
This show cause hearing is for parties who wish to speak for or against this business revocation, they can voice their concerns.
The Birmingham City Council voted to revoke this business license and rescind Resolutions No. 226-12 for a Special Retail Liquor License
and Resolution No. 227-12 for a Division I Dance Permit.
Next Steps: For more information please contact the Office of Councilor Steven Hoyt, Chair of the Public Safety Committee Meeting at 205.254.2304.

Other items approved by the Council at today’s meeting include the following:

1. A Resolution relative to the application of Empowerment, Inc. for a  Special Events License 140 to be used at Birmingham Live, August 8,
2015, 331 Cotton Avenue S.W., Birmingham, and the hearing of all interested parties.

Cliff Notes
Was this item approved? Approved unanimously
What does this mean? Empowerment Inc. is a vendor seeking approval for an application to host special events at Birmingham Live,
an entertainment venue within the west end community. This public hearing is for all parties who wish to speak for or against the approval
of those licenses.
Next Steps: For more information please contact the Office of Councilor Steven Hoyt at 205.254.2304.

2. A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute an Agreement between the City of Birmingham and the Birmingham Board of Education
to provide funding for the following schools for general school purposes for the 2015- 2016 School year in the total amount of $7,000.00:
Huffman High School- $3,500.00, W.J. Christian K-8- $1,000.00, Martha Gaskins Elementary- $500.00, Huffman Middle School- $500.00,
Smith Middle School- $500.00, Huffman Academy- $500.00, Sun Valley Elementary- $500.00.

Cliff Notes
Was this item approved? Approved on the Consent Agenda
What does this mean? Birmingham City Schools are a constant focus of the Birmingham City Council. This resolution is authorizing the Mayor
to fund select schools for general school purposes such as supplies, educational material and equipment upgrades for the 2015-2016 school year.
These funds were advanced by Councilor Scales from her discretionary money. Each fiscal year every councilor is given discretionary dollars to fund
various needs within their district.
Next Steps: For more information please contact the City of Birmingham Law Department at 205.254.7701.

3. A Resolution to approving payment to Acton Mobile Industries, Nottingham, MD, for the rental of a temporary landfill office for a period
of one (1) year and month to month thereafter in an amount not to exceed $1,000.00/month for the Public Works Department.

Cliff Notes
Was this item approved? Approved on the Consent Agenda
What does this mean? Temporary Landfill offices are often needed for Public Works to complete their responsibilities for handling excess waste.
This resolution is approving payment to Acton Mobile Industries to rent office space for that purpose.
Next Steps: For more information please contact the Purchasing Office at 205.254.2265.

4. An Ordinance “TO FURTHER AMEND THE CAPITAL FUND BUDGET” for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2016, by appropriating
$1,500,000.00 to Oxmoor Land Purchase and access improvements, $49,750.00 to Legion Field Scoreboard and $10,250.00 to Costs of
Issuance, the funding source being Bond Anticipation Note (BAN).

Cliff Notes
Was this item approved? Approved on the Consent Agenda
What does this mean? By amending the Capital Fund Budget the City of Birmingham will appropriate funds from available funding
to the various departments for recreational improvements.
Next Steps: For more information please contact the Office of Councilor Valerie Abbott, Chair of the Budget and Finance Committee at 205.254.2355.

5. A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute a joint application with Jefferson County, Alabama, to the Alabama Department of
Transportation, in substantially the same form as is on file in the Office of the City Clerk, for an Alabama Industrial Access Road and Bridge
grant of up to $150,000.00 to be used in connection with the construction of an access road to an industrial site within
the City of Birmingham to be occupied by a major manufacturer.

Cliff Notes
Was this item approved? Approved on the Consent Agenda
What does this mean? Industrial sites are key components of Birmingham’s ever growing economy and are key factors when
strategizing economic development opportunities. This ordinance is outlining the city’s financial commitment in conjunction with Jefferson County
for a grant for construction of Alabama Access Roads and Bridges and improvements associated with occupying designated industrial sites.
Next Steps: For more information please contact the City of Birmingham Law Department at 205.254.7701.

6. A Resolution accepting the lump sum bid of Battle-Miller Construction Corporation, Hoover, Alabama, in the amount of $104,800.00, for Echo
Highlands Park Renovations, this being the lowest and best bid submitted.

Cliff Notes
Was this item approved? Approved unanimously for the awarded bid
What does this mean? The City of Birmingham accepts bids from companies/vendors to provide select services
such as park improvements and revitalization. The Department of Planning Engineering and Permits administers bids under the Alabama Bid Law.
This resolution accepts the bid of, Battle-Miller Construction Corporation, Hoover, Alabama, in the amount of $104,800.00, for Echo Highlands Park Renovations.
Next Steps: For more information please contact the Department of Planning Engineering and Permits at 205.254.2306.

The following item was withdrawn:
ITEM 18.
7. A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute a contract with Schaeffer Eye Center for an expenditure of a sum not to exceed $100,000.00 to
assist in facilitating “The Schaeffer Eye Center City Fest,” to be held in Railroad Park on August 1, 2015, providing recreation and entertainment
for the citizens of Birmingham, pursuant to Amendment 772 of the Alabama Constitution of 1901 to provide public money and things of
value to a private entity for purposes of promoting the economic and industrial development of the City and §11-47-19, Code of Alabama 1975
to provide music and other exhibitions for the amusement of the inhabitants.

Cliff Notes
Was this item approved? Withdrawn by the Mayor’s Office
What does this mean? Schaffer Eye Center City Fest is one of Birmingham’s premier festivals’ that is held at Railroad Park, delivering tons
of exciting musical entertainment. This resolution is approving an agreement in the amount of $100,000.00 for the marketing, management and
promotional services for this event. The item was withdrawn at the request of the Mayor’s Office. Only the originator of an item
which may be the Council, Mayor or Law Department can withdraw an item at their request for any reason.
Next Steps: For more information please contact the Office of the Mayor at 205.254.2368.

The following items were deferred to committee meeting and the next Council meeting:
ITEM 12.
8. An Ordinance authorizing the issuance, execution, sale and delivery of $2,060,000 Principal Amount General Obligation Bond
Anticipation Note (Federally Taxable), Series 2015-A, of the City of Birmingham, Alabama and the payment thereof for Oxmoor
area economic development property purchase and Legion Field Scoreboard.

Cliff Notes
Was this item approved? Approved to defer to the Budget and Finance Committee Meeting
What does this mean? By amending the Capital Fund Budget the City of Birmingham will appropriate funds from available funding
to the various departments for recreational improvements.
Next Steps: For more information please contact the Office of Councilor Valerie Abbott, Chair of the Budget and Finance Committee at 205.254.2355.

ITEM 21.
9. A Resolution authorizing the Mayor, pursuant to §11-47-19, Code of Alabama 1975, to appropriate funds in the amount of $2,500.00
per neighborhood, per calendar year, for authorized goods and services, such as the rental of inflatables, interactive, carnival equipment,
tents, tables, large industrial fans, generators, portable restrooms, concession equipment, novelty items and t-shirts, for the services
of a disk jockey and for any other service or equipment that is similar to the specifically listed items above, consistent with the purpose
of supporting the annual community picnic events. If food is purchased, an additional amount of $500 is authorized for the purchase of
concessions, expenditures for food and non-alcoholic beverages, for an annual amount not to exceed $3,000.00,
said sum to come from the requesting neighborhood association’s fund.

Cliff Notes
Was this item approved? Approved for one week delay
What does this mean? Neighborhood associations often host family and friends functions within their respective communities.
This resolution is authorizing the Mayor to appropriate select funds not to exceed $3000.00 per year to each neighborhood from their neighborhood association’s
fund to pay for food, entertainment and other requested items as needed for various functions. The delay was requested for councilors to consult
with the Citizen’s Advisory Board regarding the overall costs.
Next Steps: For more information please contact the City of Birmingham Law Department at 205.254.7701.

The following item failed to get approved:
ITEM 35.
10. A Resolution authorizing the Director of Planning, Engineering and Permits to issue a condemnation repair permit to
Tremain W. Jones, the owner or agent of the property located at 1143 – 13th Street North, Birmingham, which was condemned
by the Council January 22, 2013, in order to remove the weeds and trash from the premises within ten (10) days of permit issuance
and to commence and make substantial repairs within 30 days of permit issuance, one (1) permit having been
voided due to the lack of substantial repairs.

Cliff Notes
Was this item approved? Denied unanimously
What does this mean? The City Council approves condemnation repair permits at the recommendation from the Public Improvement and Beautification Committee.
Citizens can receive up to 4 attempts to renew valid permit licenses and make substantial repairs within 30 days per attempt. The City Council voted to deny
a permit issuance to this citizen due to the lack of substantial repairs. The applicant also did not attend the scheduled PIC meetings upon several requests.
Next Steps: For more information please contact the Department of Planning Engineering and Permits at 205.254.2306.

Announcements and Reminders
1. The Planning and Zoning Committee Meeting scheduled for Tuesday July 28, 2015, at 4:00 p.m. in the 5th Floor Engineering Conference Room is CANCELLED.
2. The Enterprise Community Partners Meeting will be held Thursday, July 30, 2015, from 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Woodlawn Foundation, 5529 1st  Avenue South.
3. Jazz in the Park will be held Sunday August 2, 2015 from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at Westfield Park, 3537 Lewis Street, Dolomite.
4. The Public Safety Committee Meeting will be held on Monday August 2, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers.

Are you unable to attend the Birmingham City Council meetings? Watch Council Meetings on demand. From anywhere in the world you can log on to
www.birminghamalcitycouncil.org and click on the tab Watch Council Meetings; or from the comfort of your home, tune to Bright House Cable Channel 340.
The Birmingham City Council meetings are free and on demand.
The City of Birmingham will make reasonable accommodations to ensure that people with disabilities have equal opportunity to enjoy
all city services, programs and activities. If accommodations are required for public meetings, please contact Chiara Morrow, Public Information Officer,
with reasonable advance notice by emailing chiara.morrow@birminghamal.gov or by calling 205-254-2055.


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