Home Business Business How to Choose Your Business: Exercise for Happiness, Not Health

How to Choose Your Business: Exercise for Happiness, Not Health


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The number one reason people procrastinate starting an exercise regime or get discouraged soon after they start is because they constantly look at their quantitative results. Every two seconds we are stepping on a scale, measuring our body mass or looking in the mirror with our underwear on poking, squeezing and inhaling for affirmation that we should go back to the gym the next day. However, like choosing what business to get into, this shouldn’t be quantitative, it should be qualitative.
What many don’t realize is exercising gives us better mental health, less stress, helps us generate more ideas, makes us more productive and breeds more happiness. If you focus on exercising for these qualitative reasons, the end result will also be quantitative (weight loss, better muscle mass and overall better shape). The thing is the quantitative stuff develops at different rates for different people. If you are dangerously comparing your quantitative results to someone else, of course, you will also become discouraged.
This philosophy is synonymous to what I believe about education. Education should not be pursued to make you more money. It should be pursued to be better equipped, thus leading to more income made…eventually. Again, this will vary through industries and professionals. The minute someone has muscles or ideal weight without having to workout, encouraging them to pick-up a workout routine will be tough even if they are out of shape. The minute someone is making a lot of money without having to get a formal education, it will be hard to get them to go back to school. The moment someone starts earning tons of money as an employee, even if they are unhappy, you will find yourself pulling your hair out trying to get them to start their own business.
Decisions must be made from qualitative benefits and not so much the quantitative. Quantitative always follows qualitative. The quantitative (money) will come from your love, passion and dedication from what you do in business. You want to choose your business idea based on how mentally healthy it will make you. What healthy relationships it will gain you. This means it has to be a field that makes you happy and you have no problem waking up to do before the big money starts rolling in.
There are many problems out here to solve and your business idea must be one of them. But remember that when you are solving them, you need to be happy.
Customers can be difficult sometimes and their difficulty is because they have expectations on how their “problem” should be solved. Your business must make you happy before it makes you money. Happiness will lead to productivity; while there are plenty of miserable people who are rich…and in their business, it shows!

Professor Devin Robinson is a business & economics professor and founder of Urban Business Institute. Over the past decade he opened over 75 successful businesses. He lives in in Atlanta, Georgia. Learn more about him at www.DevinRobinson.com.


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