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College student charged with murder

Jacoria Ray (Shug), 20, was found shot to death about 6 p.m. Aug. 23, 2015 on a Birmingham bridge. She had spent the day having Sunday dinner with her family, and was in route to take her mom leftovers but never showed up. Police captured a person of interest Monday.


BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (WIAT) — UPDATE (X6): 22-year-old Antonio Williams is charged with capital murder in the shooting death of Jacoria Ray.

Williams was arrested Monday in the victim’s vehicle, Birmingham Police said.

UPDATE (X5): A suspect is in custody on a 48-hour hold according to Lt. Thurmond. After detectives present the case to the district attorney’s office, they will release the name of the suspect, as well as potential charges.

UPDATE (X4): Police are interviewing a person of interest in connection with the shooting death of Jacoria Ray, Birmingham PD Lt. Roberts confirmed.

Roberts said her missing car has been found.

UPDATE (X2): The victim has been identified as Jacoria Ray, 20, of Birmingham.

Lt. Peter Williston with the Birmingham Police Department said they are looking for Ray’s car. It is a 2014 white Dodge Charger and the license plate number is 1BW1010.

Ray was last seen driving her vehicle at 4 p.m. on Sunday, with an unknown black male.

UPDATE: The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office has turned this investigation over to the Birmingham Police Department.

Birmingham officers on the scene tell us the victim died from a gunshot wound.

There are no suspects at this time and this incident is still under investigation.

ORIGINAL: The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office is working a death investigation after a body was found.

Deputies were called to Lewisburg Road and the 3000 block of 47th Avenue around 6 p.m. on Sunday to investigate the discovery of a body.

When they arrived on the scene, they found the remains of an adult, black female on the side of the road.

They have not determined the cause of death at this time.

Detectives and evidence technicians are currently on the scene gathering evidence.

We will provide updates as they become available.

Copyright 2015 WIAT 42 News

Antonio Williams, 22, is charged with capital murder in the death of Jacoria Ray.



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