Home Lifestyle Health Keeping an Eye on Safety for October 29, 2015

Keeping an Eye on Safety for October 29, 2015


By Samuetta Hill Drew


Halloween Safety Tips is the focus this week because soon ghosts, goblins, witches, warlocks and other strange or funny creatures will be walking the streets, malls and other locations this weekend. Some will be masked and others not. Some will make us laugh while others will take our breath away. Some will imitate super heroes ready to save the world, where others will represent creatures ready to devour it. Whatever the choice, it is important to help ensure you and your loves ones are not injured or harmed.

S – Stay away from homes of strangers. Unfortunately, everyone does not like children. They could possibly use this time to commit harmful acts (tricks) such as passing out unsafe candy.

A – Always trick or treat with a group and never alone! It’s safer if a responsible adult accompanies the group. Make sure your parents know the route you’re taking if they are not going with you. Go only to well-lit homes and don’t go inside a stranger’s home.

F – Follow the manufactures instructions with regards to costumes and face painting.

E – Eat only factory made candy. Examine all candy before eating it! Avoid eating homemade candy from strangers. Check to make sure the candy wrappers has not been tampered with nor is too small for very young children to eat because they may get choked.    

T – Try to make sure all costumes are reflective or place some reflective tape on the ones that are not so they can be easily seen by a driver at night.

Y – You should always make sure if a mask is worn that the person can easily see out of it. The holes for the mask’s eyes should be large enough for clear visibility.  

T – Test any face makeup first by placing it on small portion of your face before using it all over, maybe a couple days prior to Halloween. You want to make sure there’s no allergic reaction. If the makeup has a strange odor, throw it away because it’s probably spoiled. Make sure you are very cautious about makeup around the eyes. You don’t want the eyes to become irritated. Remember it is important to protect your SKIN AND EYES!

I – It is important to look both ways before crossing the street.

P – Practice good walking safety by carrying a flashlight. Don’t run from home to home.

S – Stay away from vandalism like egging a car or home. You could get seriously injured by the owner, plus it’s the wrong thing to do!!!

Remember to always Keep an Eye on Safety!!!


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