Home Local Entertainment ABC Stands By Raven-Symoné Despite Petition To Kick Her Off ‘The View’

ABC Stands By Raven-Symoné Despite Petition To Kick Her Off ‘The View’




Raven has managed to go from one of our favorite young stars to an insufferable TV personality who continues to make completely outrageous statements. Even her own father has stated that she often says some really dumb things!

Most recently, she served a one-two punch of ignorance when she said she wouldn’t hire someone with a ghetto name. However, her lack of sympathy for the victim (if not outright victim blaming) in the Spring Valley police assault really took the cake. That was all the one woman from London identified as Che Scott-Heron needed to start apetition on Change.org to get her kicked off of the show.

“Raven-Symone has been spouting her ignorant and self hating spiel on the view for Long enough,” Scott-Heron wrote in the petition. “African Americans and black people around the diaspora need a voice representative of their views and not a voice representative of what white people want us to say. We need strong black rolemodels in prominent positions on television and Raven-Symone cannot provide that.”

So many people are down for the cause to get Raven off of the show that the petition has collected more than 126,000 signatures in just four days. Unfortunately, ABC doesn’t seem to care, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

The network issued a statement supporting their most controversial host. “We love Raven. She is confident, genuine and opinionated, all qualities that make her a great addition to the panel.”

Well, there you have it. Raven ain’t going nowhere, so expect to hear more of her ridiculous, often offensive opinions.


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