By: Brittany Young
At the end of each year, we all like to make new-year resolutions or goals that we hope to fulfill in the upcoming year, whether it be leading a healthier lifestyle, becoming more financially stable, traveling and reading more, dating or many other facets of life. However, it’s important for us to understand that Christ is the key that opens the door for our goals to manifest.
For this reason, Macedonia 17th St. Baptist Church Pastor Thomas Hunter has developed “Project Uplift” to encourage people of various ages, races and genders to strengthen their relationship and walk with Christ in 2016.
“We have the best product in the world in Jesus, but we’re not marketing Him correctly. We have to market Him through our lifestyles and testimonies, Hunter says. Project Uplift isn’t geared towards a particular demographic, but it’s for the NOW generation. The individuals who come from family structures that haven’t grown up in the church, or those that did grow up in the church but have grown frustrated with budgets, bulletins, and buildings and inconsistencies with church leaders.”
The project kicked off Sunday, Jan. 3 with an 8 a.m. service Pastor Hunter titled “Macedonia @ 8.” His plan is to continue the project with another 8 a.m. service Sunday, Jan.17, continuing this process the first and third Sundays of every month.
“I believe the NOW generation wants to come and hear some uplifting music and receive a word they can understand. God led me to start an 8 a.m. service so these individuals can come into an informal setting without any politics, where I’ll be on the floor ministering and not in the pulpit as I usually am during the 11 a.m. service. The sermons will focus on issues this generation is currently facing based on the word of God.”
Pastor Hunter adds that he encourages everyone to come no matter his or her background or physical appearance because he wants everybody to experience renewed and fresh blessings in 2016. The project’s supporting scripture comes from John 12:32: “And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.”
Macedonia 17th St. Baptist church is located at 1405 13th Ave. North in Birmingham, Ala. 35204.