By Ebone’ Parks
The Birmingham Times

“I believe in her. I believe she’s a great leader. I believe she possesses the skill set to lead our country,” said Randall Woodfin, the Alabama State Director for “Hillary for America”.
Woodfin and other members of Hillary for America and preparing for the Democratic National Convention next week at the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia. According to Woodfin, the convention is a chance to do two things: talk about platform issues as it relates to Democrats and officially nominate Clinton as president.
“Within that, she is able to share her vision with the country . . . and how she will preside over our country,” said Woodfin, a local attorney and member of the Birmingham Board of Education.
Woodfin says the convention will “give us a chance to fire up the base and be ready to hit the ground as it relates to getting out votes” after the convention.
The teams’ everyday activities are based around organizing and political engagement, he said. Organizing includes recruiting, training and activating volunteers; getting them involved in the campaigns in their cities or counties across Alabama and staying in contact with members of the state party and state leadership.
The objective is to make sure supporters do everything they can to activate and motivate people to support the Democratic nominee, he said.
“I believe she possesses the skill set to lead our country,” Woodfin said. “I believe she’s overly prepared as far domestic and foreign issues. I like the whole part of her being very practical and being able to get things done and solve issues.”
Woodfin said Hillary has maintained a steady lead in the polls because of her vision, campaign platform and the way she connects with families. Many also believe and know that she will fight for them, he said. Even before Barack Obama was elected president, Clinton supported healthcare, education and equal rights issues, Woodfin said.
“I think what you have is not only a continuation of moving things in a positive direction, but you then have somebody in her own right who will be able to make history as well as continue to tackle some of our issues in a very practical way,” he said.
He added, “We will continue to see her fight for and expand on the last 8 years as it relates to championing education, making sure our economy works for everyone, fixing America infrastructure and keeping our homeland safe.”