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Ballard House to Host “Giving Back” Pop-up Exhibition

The Ballard House. (All photos, Ariel Worthy, The Birmingham Times)

Times Staff Report

The Ballard House Project, Inc. will host a pop-up exhibition, entitled “Giving Back: The Soul of Philanthropy Reframed and Exhibited” on Martin Luther King Day.

The exhibition will be free and open to the public on Monday, January 15 and runs through Friday, January 19 at the Historic Ballard House, 1420 7th Avenue, North.

Exhibit hours are noon – 6:00 pm.

The traveling pop-up exhibition celebrates the essence and history of giving in the African-American community nationwide in the form of time, talents, resources, and leadership. It is based on the book, Giving Back, published in 2014 by collaborators Charles and Valaida Fullwood.

According to a quote from the book, “Love is what it means to be human, the root meaning of philanthropy, is reclaimed by the exhibit … The Soul of Philanthropy reframes portraits of philanthropy.”

The exhibition has traveled to a number of cities across the country. This family-friendly exhibit, which will also highlight the philanthropic work of local agents of change in Birmingham.

The exhibition and events are presented by The Ballard House Project, Inc., a 501c3 non-profit entity, dedicated to preserving the heritage and voices of the African-American community in the Birmingham metro area.

Two other events will be held Monday in association with the Exhibition including Soul of Philanthropy Lunch Gathering, 12:30 p.m. – 2 p.m. for $50 per guest with all proceeds to benefit the UNCF Scholarship Program. The second event is GATHER for a Community Conversation, 3 p.m. – 5 p.m.

The Ballard House Project, Inc., dedicated to preserving the heritage, voices, and contributions of Birmingham’s community. For more information visit www.ballardhouseproject.org.