By Michael Tomberlin
Alabama Newscenter
Birmingham’s Mixtroz is set to launch a virtual version of its popular tech-based event management, networking and grouping app.
The product allows large groups to come together – a company department, an industry conference or any number of possibilities – and then break off into smaller groups based on a set of questions created by the organizer.
It has been a popular way of organizing live events to allow for a balance of networking, brainstorming, breakouts and the like.
Kerry Schrader, co-founder of Mixtroz, told Alabama NewsCenter the virtual version will allow that to happen remotely – a need that is obvious in this period of sequestration and social distancing.
“It provides the exact same purpose that live Mixtroz does,” Schrader said. “We are all about that connectivity.”
The COVID-19 crisis has many workers experiencing working remotely for the first time. What they may once have envisioned as a dream situation with no commute or dressing for the office may not seem so great without human interaction.
But apart from the personal disconnect that remote working can create, it can impact important internal operations of a company
Schrader said organizations can use Virtual Mixtroz for human resources requirements, diversity and inclusion training, new employee orientation, project team development or any host of important functions.
Schrader said Mixtroz held its first webinar to demo Virtual Mixtroz on March26 and the reaction was “overwhelming.”
“People understand that humans need to connect and they need to connect whether it’s face to face in a live environment or virtual environment,” she said. “Obviously, what’s going on in our country, in the world today, we need to see people and be able to interact with them in meaningful way.”
Virtual Mixtroz was already set to come out later this year, but Schrader said the internal team at Mixtroz was able to accelerate the timeline in response to the coronavirus emergency.
“It’s an exciting time in a crazy time,” she said.
The response was so great that Mixtroz is planning additional webinars to demo Virtual Mixtroz. Those interested can contact Mixtroz at hello@mixtroz.com or 888-649-8769.
With people adapting to shelter in place and quarantines and adhering to social distancing, the desire to connect has never been greater, especially in Mixtroz’s home city of Birmingham.
“We’re hopeful now that we have the product that we will have more interest (in Birmingham) in upcoming webinars,” Schrader said.
For a company built on connections, Schrader said the COVID-19 crisis demonstrates how technology can be useful in drawing people closer.
“First and foremost, we all have to be thy neighbor’s keeper and make sure we’re following every safety protocol,” she said. “Take this time to figure out how we can work different but, more importantly, how we can love differently and be more embracing of each other. If Mixtroz can be just a tiny piece of that, my heart is full, sincerely.”