Richard Arrington, Jr. Elementary, Inglenook Pre-K-8, and Henry J. Oliver Elementary landed on the list of the 25 schools that showed the most improvement on state report card scores for the 2023-24 academic year.
Inglenook slotted in the top three, improving its score by 21 points year over year. Arrington and Oliver improved by 18 and 15 points, respectively. Inglenook and Arrington jumped two letter grades, while Oliver bumped its score up by one letter grade.
The state’s Legislative School Performance Program awards $8,000 to each school ranked among the 25 most improved. The schools will be recognized by the State Board of Education during its meeting on Feb. 6 in Montgomery.
The Alabama State Department of Education (ALSDE) released its Annual Report Card for school districts and individual schools in November. The reports are based on several goals, and they also give a glimpse into school district demographics.
Academic growth, attendance, college and career readiness, and the graduation rate are all part of the overall grade calculation. Birmingham City Schools continues to progress on the State Report Card. The grade for 2023-2024 was a C, but the numerical grade of 74 was two points higher than the previous year’s report card. This means that a majority of the district’s 20,000 students across the board made progress.
While a grade of C is much better than years past, educators and leaders are committed to continued progress in academic achievement for all scholars.
“Our scholars are more than a score or letter grade. They are individuals with bright dreams for the future,” said Dr. Mark Sullivan, Superintendent, Birmingham City Schools, after the report cards were released.