Home Lifestyle Health What Area Would You Like to See an Upgrade?

What Area Would You Like to See an Upgrade?


I haven’t heard very many people talk about New Year’s resolutions in recent years. Even as the month comes to an end, have you noticed? It seems the dawn of new calendar years are taking a turn into more themes and intentions, but not necessarily people resolving to do anything.

Maybe we’ve become jaded at how successful resolutions really are. Maybe we’re simply focusing on living and enjoying our lives and being thankful in every moment. Or maybe we recognize that success is not in a timeframe, but in a committed lifestyle every day of the year, and in every season.

Either way, I still want to take a moment to tap us on the shoulder and at least remind all of us to take stock and at least aim to improve in some areas. If that is the case, in what area would you like to see an upgrade?

In 2025 and beyond, would your health, finances, career, family or self-improvement take priority? I’m not asking you to produce any action sheet or list of steps. Just asking you to take an honest look at where you could see or do better. And my second ask, start moving in that direction in small steps.

If you’d like to increase your savings, what step can you take now to start seeing results – even if you start with a minimal amount? Then define that amount. And take action to set up a process to do it continually. Fix it, or set it, and forget it. The amount is not as important as your action and intentionality.

If you’re endeavoring to improve your health, what would be your first step? Can you incorporate a few minutes of exercise 3-4 days a week? No sweeping changes but think small wins that will make it part of your routine.

And if you’d like to spend more time with your spouse or family, why not add a night once a week, bi-weekly, or even monthly if time is really tight? When bringing others along, you’ll want to cast the vision first so they can first see it in order to support you.

Explain to them what you’re looking to implement and tell them how much you’d love their input and presence — talk about curating an instant fan club! You know the area in which you’d like to see change. I’m simply your cheerleader telling you, “You got this!” And you do.

I’ve identified my area….and I am taking steps daily to make it happen. I miss the mark at times, but I’m applying gradual pressure for holistic and lasting change. I’m cheering for you to do the same. Blessings to you and remember, I’m an email away if you need a word of encouragement.

Cheers to your best year yet!

Keisa Sharpe is a life coach, author and speaker. Her column appears each month online and in The Birmingham Times. You can contact Keisa at keisasharpe@yahoo.com and visit http://www.allsheanaturals.com for natural hair and body products.