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Nickelodeon Celebrates Black History


Nickelodeon Celebrates Black History Month Through Multi-platform Partnership with Because of Them, We Can™ Initiative  
Kids depicting notable African Americans featured in PSA Campaign on Nickelodeon
NEW YORK – Nickelodeon is partnering with the Because of Them, We Can™ initiative to commemorate Black History Month through a campaign launched Tuesday across the network’s multiple platforms, including on-air, digital and social. Nickelodeon will air three original 30-second PSAs that feature kids portraying distinguished ABecause-of-Them-We-Can-nickelodeon-the-industry-cosignides kids and families with additional information about Black History Month.
“Through this partnership, Nickelodeon is using the power of our screens to amplify a positive message and connect kids to the lessons of the past that underscore the remarkable contributions of African Americans,” said Marva Smalls, Executive Vice President of Public Affairs, Nickelodeon. “The Because of Them, We Can™ campaign encourages a new generation of kids to learn about African-American history in a way that makes them part of the narrative and is relevant to them.”
“We are excited to share these videos through the lens of Nickelodeon, empowering their viewers and hopefully, awakening their potential,” said Eunique Jones Gibson, Founder, Because of Them, We Can™. “Our goal is to connect kids to heroes, past and present, and create a banner of excellence for all people, young and old, to live by.”
Kids can log on to http://www.nick.com/thanks to stream the Because of Them, We Can™-created spots; learn interesting facts about other noteworthy historical and modern day African-American icons; view additional Black History-themed video clips; and get more information about the Because of Them, We Can campaign™.  Nickelodeon’s social media channels will also support the initiative with daily tweets of images from the Because of Them, We Can™ initiative via @NickelodeonTV and posts on Nickelodeon’s Facebook page throughout the month.
The Because of Them, We Can™ photo campaign was launched by activist and photographer Eunique Jones Gibson to inspire young people and create images that positively represent African Americans. The initiative has expanded beyond still images to include video content, a book and products designed to empower people of all ages and colors.


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