Fall has officially arrived. The sounds of school bands playing, and cheerleaders cheering can be heard throughout our country. Friday night lights are alive and well with collegiate football games on Saturday, followed by pro football games on Sunday. Yes, it is a smorgasbord football weekend in America. A season millions of fans anxiously look forward to all year long.
Where football stadiums are packed with these anxious fans rooting for their favorite team and eagerly ready to claim their bragging rights, other enthusiastic fans remain outside the stadium tailgating with food and drinks cheering their favorite team to victory as well.
Fun can be had both inside as well as outside the stadium. With tailgating growing in popularity there are safety tips which should be followed to keep the celebration fun and safe.
To start, plan ahead. Having the right set-up and accessories makes tailgating easy for the host and comfortable and enjoyable for your guests. You want to avoid too much direct sun exposure, so plan for shelter (tents) with chairs.

Keep all ages safe from the sun, so always have sunscreen handy and reapply every two hours or less. Be sure everyone stays hydrated. Try to select a shady spot and wear protective clothing such as a hat and sunglasses. Symptoms of too much sun exposure include skin that’s red and blistered, chills, nausea or dizziness. Remember people of color require sunscreen to help protect their skin from the sun’s UV rays.
A quick list of safety items to always have on hand as you plan for your tailgate are as follows:
- Carry a first aid kit with band-aids, ointment, etc., to manage any cuts and burns.• Do not forget the ice and coolers to help keep food at the right temperature and keep beverages chilled.
- Water is key to stay hydrated. Bring bottled water to share and have refillable containers on hand.
- Protect yourself from splatters and burns while grilling by wearing an apron and using heat-resistant gloves.
- Cleanup is easy with antibacterial cleaning wipes, and they will help sanitize the area, too.
Tailgating can be a fun way to spend time with family and friends. As you are planning the day, be sure to take some extra time to Keep an Eye on Safety measures. It will make the event much more enjoyable. Over the next few weeks, the safety articles will focus on specific areas of tailgating safety.