Home Local More Pet Safety Tips for Frigid Winter Temperatures

More Pet Safety Tips for Frigid Winter Temperatures


Alabama is located in the southern region of the country with fairly short winter season. Each region of the state has its own unique weather patterns depending on the season. During the winter season the state appears to have an invisible line of demarcation. The upper northern counties usually are the coldest with more frigid winters, the counties in the middle of the state can be cold but usually not as frigid and the southern counties winters are far more mild and less frigid than the other regions in the state. This was evident last week during our state’s winter weather storm.

If you must keep your dog outside for any period of time, make sure you provide a dry, draft free shelter. (Adobe Stock)

We are able to make the necessary weather adjustments, but our four-legged hairy friends are dependent upon us to help keep them safe and warm during frigid weather conditions. Therefore, it is essential that you are knowledgeable of the do’s and don’t for your pets. Last week we shared five key pet safety tips for winter weather. This week we are highlighting five additional ones you should familiarize yourself with as well. Beginning with:

  1. Do not allow your pet to venture onto frozen bodies of water. The ice may be too thin to support your pet’s weight and water rescues can be difficult and dangerous for you both.
  2. Be a good Kitty Samaritan and slap the hood of your car before starting it: cats often climb next to a warm engine during the night to stay warm.
  3. Keep snowdrifts from piling up next to your fence providing your dog a way to escape. Make sure your pets are microchipped, and registration is current, if applicable. If your pet does get away during the frigid winter weather, contact the humane society for information about animal rescues.
  4. If you must keep your dog outside for any period of time, make sure you provide a dry, draft free shelter. It should be large enough for your pet to sit and lay down comfortably but small enough to hold his body heat. The floor should be off the ground and covered with cedar shavings or straw. Turn the shelter away from the wind and cover the door with waterproof burlap or heavy plastic.
  5. Lastly, if you are flying with a pet make sure the airline provides for your pet’s safety and warmth. Note, some airlines restrict pets from flying when the temperature dip below a certain point. Call early to confirm.

It is important to Keep an Eye on Safety for your pets also. Many people make the mistake of believing that pets are better equipped to handle cold weather just because they are animals. They are not just animals; they are your pets and a member of your family. So, keep your entire family warm during frigid winter temperatures.