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UAB to Review Proposals for State’s $249 Million Opioid Settlement Funds


Matt Windsor

UAB News

UAB is leading an internal review to select a small group of proposals to send forward to the State of Alabama for funding consideration as part of a nearly $249 million settlement with pharmacies and drugmakers announced in June. Proposals should not be independently submitted directly to Alabama’s Opioid Settlement Oversight Committee or to a member of the Legislature.

The deadline for proposals to UAB’s internal review process is Aug. 31, with notification of selection for submission to the state committee on Sept. 20. Proposals can come from anyone with a full‐time appointment or employment at UAB, including the UA Health Services Foundation and the UAB Health System. It is anticipated that funds for the first year of the program will be awarded by the Legislature in the 2024 session and be distributed in the summer or fall of 2024.

Proposals for up to three years of funding can represent solutions involving:

–direct clinical and/or prevention services

–research projects with a path to clinical implementation, and/or

–provider training programs in addiction medicine.

If opioid settlement funds will be used for seed funding, there must be a plan for sustainability after State funds are expended.

See the document State of Alabama Opioid Settlement Funds: Request for UAB Proposals to learn more about budget format, proposal content, submission information, timeline and contact information, as well as answers to frequently asked questions.